bLink API - order placement module (
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This is the specification of the bLink 'order-placement' module API. (as implemented by SIX and used by clients (e.g. third party providers)) This API is used to place orders and check on the order status.
Posts a new order
Posts a new order.
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Request Body schema: application/json
clientOrderIdentification required | string <= 20 characters Unambiguous identifier for the bulk order, as assigned by the instructing party. |
required | object (bulkOrderDetails) |
required | Array of objects (requestedAllocation) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "clientOrderIdentification": "123-123123",
- "bulkOrderDetails": {
- "side": "buy",
- "orderQuantity": {
- "amount": "12000",
- "type": "unitsNumber"
}, - "displayQuantity": "12000",
- "numberOfAllocations": 5,
- "financialInstrumentDetails": {
- "financialInstrumentIdentification": {
- "identification": "CH0012005267",
- "type": "isin"
}, - "placeOfTrade": {
- "marketIdentificationCode": "XSWX",
- "marketDescription": "OTC"
}, - "currency": "CHF",
- "executionType": "limit",
- "limitPrice": "17.8",
- "stopPrice": "17.8",
- "timeInForce": "day",
- "expiryDateTime": "2018-04-13T16:00:00+01:00",
- "additionalDetails": "at pre Market and today"
}, - "requestedAllocationList": [
- {
- "accounts": [
- {
- "identification": "8765-43219",
- "type": "safekeepingAccount"
], - "clientAllocationIdentification": "321321321",
- "amount": "12000"
Response samples
- 202
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "statementDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "extendedOrder": {
- "clientOrderIdentification": "123-123123",
- "orderDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "orderIdentification": "321-321321",
- "bulkOrderDetails": {
- "side": "buy",
- "orderQuantity": {
- "amount": "12000",
- "type": "unitsNumber"
}, - "displayQuantity": "12000",
- "numberOfAllocations": 5,
- "financialInstrumentDetails": {
- "financialInstrumentIdentification": {
- "identification": "CH0012005267",
- "type": "isin"
}, - "placeOfTrade": {
- "marketIdentificationCode": "XSWX",
- "marketDescription": "OTC"
}, - "currency": "CHF",
- "executionType": "limit",
- "limitPrice": "17.8",
- "stopPrice": "17.8",
- "timeInForce": "day",
- "expiryDateTime": "2018-04-13T16:00:00+01:00",
- "additionalDetails": "at pre Market and today"
}, - "allocationList": [
- {
- "requestedAllocation": {
- "accounts": [
- {
- "identification": "8765-43219",
- "type": "safekeepingAccount"
], - "clientAllocationIdentification": "321321321",
- "amount": "12000"
}, - "allocationCancellationReasonList": [
- {
- "code": "zeroQuantity",
- "proprietary": "Cancelled by client."
], - "remainingAllocation": {
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "remainingQuantity": "20"
}, - "completeAllocationList": [
- {
- "allocationIdentification": "123-123123",
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "bookingDate": {
- "date": "2018-04-13"
}, - "billingDetails": {
- "billingAmountList": [
- {
- "type": "grossTradeAmount",
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": null,
- "rate": null,
- "targetCurrency": null,
- "fxType": null
], - "accruedInterests": {
- "numberDaysAccrued": 28,
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": "CHF",
- "rate": "1.0963",
- "targetCurrency": "CHF",
- "fxType": "costPrice"
}, - "feesOrTaxList": [
- {
- "feeType": "stampDuty",
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": null,
- "rate": null,
- "targetCurrency": null,
- "fxType": null
}, - "orderState": {
- "status": "partiallyFilled",
- "statusDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "orderCancellationReasonList": [
- {
- "code": "endOfLife",
- "proprietary": "Cancelled by client"
], - "executedQuantity": "100",
- "remainingQuantity": "20",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "dayOrderQuantity": "15",
- "dayExecutedQuantity": "5",
- "dayAveragePrice": "17.8",
- "factor": "100",
- "orderStatusHistoryList": [
- {
- "status": "partiallyFilled",
- "statusDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z"
}, - "dateList": [
- {
- "date": "2018-04-13",
- "dateType": "bookingDate"
Cancellation of a specific order
Places the cancellation request for a specific order.
path Parameters
clientOrderId required | string <= 20 characters The security order id. This Id corresponds with the clientOrderIdentification. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 202
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "statementDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "extendedOrder": {
- "clientOrderIdentification": "123-123123",
- "orderDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "orderIdentification": "321-321321",
- "bulkOrderDetails": {
- "side": "buy",
- "orderQuantity": {
- "amount": "12000",
- "type": "unitsNumber"
}, - "displayQuantity": "12000",
- "numberOfAllocations": 5,
- "financialInstrumentDetails": {
- "financialInstrumentIdentification": {
- "identification": "CH0012005267",
- "type": "isin"
}, - "placeOfTrade": {
- "marketIdentificationCode": "XSWX",
- "marketDescription": "OTC"
}, - "currency": "CHF",
- "executionType": "limit",
- "limitPrice": "17.8",
- "stopPrice": "17.8",
- "timeInForce": "day",
- "expiryDateTime": "2018-04-13T16:00:00+01:00",
- "additionalDetails": "at pre Market and today"
}, - "allocationList": [
- {
- "requestedAllocation": {
- "accounts": [
- {
- "identification": "8765-43219",
- "type": "safekeepingAccount"
], - "clientAllocationIdentification": "321321321",
- "amount": "12000"
}, - "allocationCancellationReasonList": [
- {
- "code": "zeroQuantity",
- "proprietary": "Cancelled by client."
], - "remainingAllocation": {
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "remainingQuantity": "20"
}, - "completeAllocationList": [
- {
- "allocationIdentification": "123-123123",
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "bookingDate": {
- "date": "2018-04-13"
}, - "billingDetails": {
- "billingAmountList": [
- {
- "type": "grossTradeAmount",
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": null,
- "rate": null,
- "targetCurrency": null,
- "fxType": null
], - "accruedInterests": {
- "numberDaysAccrued": 28,
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": "CHF",
- "rate": "1.0963",
- "targetCurrency": "CHF",
- "fxType": "costPrice"
}, - "feesOrTaxList": [
- {
- "feeType": "stampDuty",
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": null,
- "rate": null,
- "targetCurrency": null,
- "fxType": null
}, - "orderState": {
- "status": "partiallyFilled",
- "statusDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "orderCancellationReasonList": [
- {
- "code": "endOfLife",
- "proprietary": "Cancelled by client"
], - "executedQuantity": "100",
- "remainingQuantity": "20",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "dayOrderQuantity": "15",
- "dayExecutedQuantity": "5",
- "dayAveragePrice": "17.8",
- "factor": "100",
- "orderStatusHistoryList": [
- {
- "status": "partiallyFilled",
- "statusDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z"
}, - "dateList": [
- {
- "date": "2018-04-13",
- "dateType": "bookingDate"
Returns a list of open security orders
Returns all open orders to which the user of the API has access to. Paging is done based on the order object, i.e. if limit is set to 1, then 1 order will be returned per page.
query Parameters
cursor | string An opaque string value used for pagination. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Maximum number of items to return. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
[- {
- "statementDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "extendedOrder": {
- "clientOrderIdentification": "123-123123",
- "orderDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "orderIdentification": "321-321321",
- "bulkOrderDetails": {
- "side": "buy",
- "orderQuantity": {
- "amount": "12000",
- "type": "unitsNumber"
}, - "displayQuantity": "12000",
- "numberOfAllocations": 5,
- "financialInstrumentDetails": {
- "financialInstrumentIdentification": {
- "identification": "CH0012005267",
- "type": "isin"
}, - "placeOfTrade": {
- "marketIdentificationCode": "XSWX",
- "marketDescription": "OTC"
}, - "currency": "CHF",
- "executionType": "limit",
- "limitPrice": "17.8",
- "stopPrice": "17.8",
- "timeInForce": "day",
- "expiryDateTime": "2018-04-13T16:00:00+01:00",
- "additionalDetails": "at pre Market and today"
}, - "allocationList": [
- {
- "requestedAllocation": {
- "accounts": [
- {
- "identification": "8765-43219",
- "type": "safekeepingAccount"
], - "clientAllocationIdentification": "321321321",
- "amount": "12000"
}, - "allocationCancellationReasonList": [
- {
- "code": "zeroQuantity",
- "proprietary": "Cancelled by client."
], - "remainingAllocation": {
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "remainingQuantity": "20"
}, - "completeAllocationList": [
- {
- "allocationIdentification": "123-123123",
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "bookingDate": {
- "date": "2018-04-13"
}, - "billingDetails": {
- "billingAmountList": [
- {
- "type": null,
- "amount": null,
- "currency": null,
- "creditDebitIndicator": null,
- "foreignExchangeRate": null
], - "accruedInterests": {
- "numberDaysAccrued": 28,
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": null,
- "rate": null,
- "targetCurrency": null,
- "fxType": null
}, - "feesOrTaxList": [
- {
- "feeType": null,
- "amount": null,
- "currency": null,
- "creditDebitIndicator": null,
- "foreignExchangeRate": null
}, - "orderState": {
- "status": "partiallyFilled",
- "statusDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "orderCancellationReasonList": [
- {
- "code": "endOfLife",
- "proprietary": "Cancelled by client"
], - "executedQuantity": "100",
- "remainingQuantity": "20",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "dayOrderQuantity": "15",
- "dayExecutedQuantity": "5",
- "dayAveragePrice": "17.8",
- "factor": "100",
- "orderStatusHistoryList": [
- {
- "status": "partiallyFilled",
- "statusDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z"
}, - "dateList": [
- {
- "date": "2018-04-13",
- "dateType": "bookingDate"
Returns a single security order
Returns a specific security order.
path Parameters
clientOrderId required | string <= 20 characters The security order id. This Id corresponds with the clientOrderIdentification. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "statementDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "extendedOrder": {
- "clientOrderIdentification": "123-123123",
- "orderDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "orderIdentification": "321-321321",
- "bulkOrderDetails": {
- "side": "buy",
- "orderQuantity": {
- "amount": "12000",
- "type": "unitsNumber"
}, - "displayQuantity": "12000",
- "numberOfAllocations": 5,
- "financialInstrumentDetails": {
- "financialInstrumentIdentification": {
- "identification": "CH0012005267",
- "type": "isin"
}, - "placeOfTrade": {
- "marketIdentificationCode": "XSWX",
- "marketDescription": "OTC"
}, - "currency": "CHF",
- "executionType": "limit",
- "limitPrice": "17.8",
- "stopPrice": "17.8",
- "timeInForce": "day",
- "expiryDateTime": "2018-04-13T16:00:00+01:00",
- "additionalDetails": "at pre Market and today"
}, - "allocationList": [
- {
- "requestedAllocation": {
- "accounts": [
- {
- "identification": "8765-43219",
- "type": "safekeepingAccount"
], - "clientAllocationIdentification": "321321321",
- "amount": "12000"
}, - "allocationCancellationReasonList": [
- {
- "code": "zeroQuantity",
- "proprietary": "Cancelled by client."
], - "remainingAllocation": {
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "remainingQuantity": "20"
}, - "completeAllocationList": [
- {
- "allocationIdentification": "123-123123",
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "bookingDate": {
- "date": "2018-04-13"
}, - "billingDetails": {
- "billingAmountList": [
- {
- "type": "grossTradeAmount",
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": null,
- "rate": null,
- "targetCurrency": null,
- "fxType": null
], - "accruedInterests": {
- "numberDaysAccrued": 28,
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": "CHF",
- "rate": "1.0963",
- "targetCurrency": "CHF",
- "fxType": "costPrice"
}, - "feesOrTaxList": [
- {
- "feeType": "stampDuty",
- "amount": "12000",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "creditDebitIndicator": "debit",
- "foreignExchangeRate": {
- "sourceCurrency": null,
- "rate": null,
- "targetCurrency": null,
- "fxType": null
}, - "orderState": {
- "status": "partiallyFilled",
- "statusDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "orderCancellationReasonList": [
- {
- "code": "endOfLife",
- "proprietary": "Cancelled by client"
], - "executedQuantity": "100",
- "remainingQuantity": "20",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "dayOrderQuantity": "15",
- "dayExecutedQuantity": "5",
- "dayAveragePrice": "17.8",
- "factor": "100",
- "orderStatusHistoryList": [
- {
- "status": "partiallyFilled",
- "statusDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z"
}, - "dateList": [
- {
- "date": "2018-04-13",
- "dateType": "bookingDate"
Returns list of accounts the requestor has access to
Returns list of accounts the requestor has access to with the type of access the requestor has. Paging is done based on the accountaccess object, i.e. if limit is set to 1, then 1 accountaccess object will be returned per page.
query Parameters
cursor | string An opaque string value used for pagination. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Maximum number of items to return. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
[- {
- "account": {
- "identification": "8765-43219",
- "type": "safekeepingAccount"
}, - "accessType": "read"
Subscribe to Events
Allows TPP to subscribe to specific events for the API.
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Request Body schema: application/json
eventTypes | Array of strings (eventType) Items Enum: "heartbeat" "order:doneForDay" "order:orderStatusUpdated" "order:pendingReplace" "order:replaced" "order:restated" "order:suspended" "order:trade" "order:tradeCancel" "order:tradeCorrect" Array of event types the subscription applies to. An empty list indicates that no notifications are sent. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "eventTypes": [
- "order:orderStatusUpdated"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 409
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "eventSubscriptionId": "3v3n7subscr1p70n",
- "eventTypes": [
- "order:orderStatusUpdated"
View Subscriptions
Allows TPP to view the event subscriptions.
query Parameters
cursor | string An opaque string value used for pagination. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Maximum number of items to return. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "eventSubscriptions": [
- {
- "eventSubscriptionId": "3v3n7subscr1p70n",
- "eventTypes": [
- "order:orderStatusUpdated"
View Subscription
Allows TPP to view the event subscription.
path Parameters
eventSubscriptionId required | string [ 1 .. 40 ] characters Unique identification as assigned by the API exposing party to uniquely identify the callback URL resource. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "eventSubscriptionId": "3v3n7subscr1p70n",
- "eventTypes": [
- "order:orderStatusUpdated"
Change event subscription
Changes event subscription.
path Parameters
eventSubscriptionId required | string [ 1 .. 40 ] characters Unique identification as assigned by the API exposing party to uniquely identify the callback URL resource. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
eventSubscriptionId required | string (eventSubscriptionId) [ 1 .. 40 ] characters Unique identification as assigned by the API exposing party to uniquely identify the callback URL resource. |
eventTypes | Array of strings (eventType) Items Enum: "heartbeat" "order:doneForDay" "order:orderStatusUpdated" "order:pendingReplace" "order:replaced" "order:restated" "order:suspended" "order:trade" "order:tradeCancel" "order:tradeCorrect" Array of event types the subscription applies to. An empty list indicates that no notifications are sent. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "eventSubscriptionId": "3v3n7subscr1p70n",
- "eventTypes": [
- "order:orderStatusUpdated"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "eventSubscriptionId": "3v3n7subscr1p70n",
- "eventTypes": [
- "order:orderStatusUpdated"
Delete event subscription
Deletes event subscriptions.
path Parameters
eventSubscriptionId required | string [ 1 .. 40 ] characters Unique identification as assigned by the API exposing party to uniquely identify the callback URL resource. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "type": "/problems/TECHNICAL_ERROR",
- "title": "This is the general problem description",
- "detail": "Detailed problem description with respect to the current request",
- "instance": "path/to/corresponding/resource"
Search Subscription
Allows TPP to search for event subscriptions.
query Parameters
cursor | string An opaque string value used for pagination. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Maximum number of items to return. |
fromEventDateTime | string <date-time> Example: fromEventDateTime=2022-10-26T07:58:30.996+01:00 |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "eventSubscriptionIds": [
- "3v3n7subscr1p70n"
Push notification towards TPP
Push notifications for subscribed event notifications.
header Parameters
X-CorApi-API-Version required | string Example: 1.0.0 The API Version |
X-CorApi-Event-Type required | string Example: Order:Created The Event-Type |
X-CorApi-Event-ID required | string Example: 7c5f40fc-1b29-4263-a2dd-e127a22a947f The Event-ID |
X-CorApi-Event-Created-At required | string <date-time> Example: 2024-05-28T13:44:53Z The Event-Created Date |
X-CorApi-Event-Subscription-ID required | string Example: 7c5f40fc-1b29-4263-a2dd-e127a22a947f The ID of the Subscription the event was created for |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Request Body schema: application/json
eventSubscriptionId | string (eventSubscriptionId) [ 1 .. 40 ] characters Unique identification as assigned by the API exposing party to uniquely identify the callback URL resource. |
version | string (version) Enum: "v1" "v2" "v3" Indicates to which version of the respective API the notification is belonging to. |
eventType | string (eventType) Enum: "heartbeat" "order:doneForDay" "order:orderStatusUpdated" "order:pendingReplace" "order:replaced" "order:restated" "order:suspended" "order:trade" "order:tradeCancel" "order:tradeCorrect" Event type the subscription should apply to AND reason why a notification is sent. |
resourceLink | string Link to resource that triggered the event notification. |
created | string <date-time> (DateTime) |
id | string (notificationId) Identification of the notification. |
predecessorId | string (notificationId) Identification of the notification. |
orderStatus | string (orderStatus) Enum: "acknowledged" "accepted" "customerRelease" "placed" "partiallyFilled" "filled" "executed" "cancelled" "partiallyCancelled" "marketCancelled" "pendingCancel" "rejected" "partiallyRejected" "marketRejected" "expired" "partiallyExpired" "marketExpired" Shows in which stage of its life cycle an order is. |
executedQuantity | string (executedQuantity) <= 22 characters ^[0-9]{1,12}([.][0-9]{1,9})?$ Total quantity (e.g. number of shares) filled. |
averagePrice | string (averagePrice) <= 22 characters ^[0-9]{1,12}([.][0-9]{1,9})?$ Calculated average price of all fills on this order. |
remainingQuantity | string (remainingQuantity) <= 22 characters ^[0-9]{1,12}([.][0-9]{1,9})?$ Quantity open for further execution. If the status is cancelled, expired, or rejected (in which case the order is no longer active) then remainingQuantity could be 0, otherwise remainingQuantity = orderQuantity - executedQuantity. |
dayExecutedQuantity | string (dayExecutedQuantity) <= 22 characters ^[0-9]{1,12}([.][0-9]{1,9})?$ Quantity on an order that has traded today. |
dayAveragePrice | string (dayAveragePrice) <= 22 characters ^[0-9]{1,12}([.][0-9]{1,9})?$ Calculated average price of all fills on this order. |
lastQuantity | string (lastQuantity) <= 22 characters ^[0-9]{1,12}([.][0-9]{1,9})?$ Quantity (e.g. shares) bought/sold on this (last) fill. |
lastPrice | string (lastPrice) <= 22 characters ^[0-9]{1,12}([.][0-9]{1,9})?$ Price of this (last) fill. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "eventSubscriptionId": "3v3n7subscr1p70n",
- "version": "v2",
- "eventType": "order:orderStatusUpdated",
- "resourceLink": "/api/openwealth/order-placement/v2/orders/abcd1234",
- "created": "2018-04-13T16:00:00+01:00",
- "id": "120066c9-58a1-432b-aa60-712fae7f143e",
- "predecessorId": "120066c9-58a1-432b-aa60-712fae7f143e",
- "orderStatus": "partiallyFilled",
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "remainingQuantity": "20",
- "dayExecutedQuantity": "5",
- "dayAveragePrice": "17.8",
- "lastQuantity": "30",
- "lastPrice": "17.8"
Response samples
- 400
- 404
- 405
- 429
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "type": "/problems/TECHNICAL_ERROR",
- "title": "This is the general problem description",
- "detail": "Detailed problem description with respect to the current request",
- "instance": "path/to/corresponding/resource"
Get event notifications
Get aggregated event-notification list.
path Parameters
eventSubscriptionId required | string [ 1 .. 40 ] characters Unique identification as assigned by the API exposing party to uniquely identify the callback URL resource. |
query Parameters
fromEventDateTime | string <date-time> Example: fromEventDateTime=2022-10-26T07:58:30.996+01:00 |
cursor | string An opaque string value used for pagination. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Maximum number of items to return. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address required | string IP address of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-User-Agent required | string User agent of the user initiating the operation or AUTO for system triggered processes (SCOPE: SIX required) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 429
- 500
- 501
- 503
- 504
{- "eventNotifications": [
- {
- "eventSubscriptionId": "3v3n7subscr1p70n",
- "version": "v2",
- "eventType": "order:orderStatusUpdated",
- "resourceLink": "/api/openwealth/order-placement/v2/orders/abcd1234",
- "created": "2018-04-13T16:00:00+01:00",
- "id": "120066c9-58a1-432b-aa60-712fae7f143e",
- "predecessorId": "120066c9-58a1-432b-aa60-712fae7f143e",
- "orderStatus": "partiallyFilled",
- "executedQuantity": "100",
- "averagePrice": "17.8",
- "remainingQuantity": "20",
- "dayExecutedQuantity": "5",
- "dayAveragePrice": "17.8",
- "lastQuantity": "30",
- "lastPrice": "17.8"
Returns all specified request headers and additional diagnostic information
header Parameters
X-Correlation-ID | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
Authorization | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
User-Agent | string Name and version of the of the client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI / NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI / NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT - optional) |
Response samples
- 200
{- "requestDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "receivedHeaders": [
- {
- "headerName": "X-Correlation-ID",
- "headerValue": "string"
], - "receivedPayload": "... as received ..."
Returns all specified request headers, the request body and additional diagnostic information
header Parameters
X-Correlation-ID | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
Authorization | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
User-Agent | string Name and version of the of the client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID required | string ID that identifies the provider (e.g., a financial institution). (SCOPE: SIX required) |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI / NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI / NOTIFICATION_RECIPIENT - optional) |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Request samples
- Payload
Response samples
- 200
{- "requestDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "receivedHeaders": [
- {
- "headerName": "X-Correlation-ID",
- "headerValue": "string"
], - "receivedPayload": "... as received ..."