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Updated structure for API specifications

· One min read
Simon Meyer
Product Manager

Dear bLink Community,

We’ve made some updates to how API specifications are presented in the bLink Docs. Here’s a quick overview of the key changes:

  • The API specifications in the Downloads section are no longer divided by environment. This simplifies access and makes it easier to find the relevant modules.
  • The API References section now highlights the major versions of API modules that are either active or currently under implementation.
  • A new article, API Lifecycle, provides a comprehensive overview of the current support status for all API modules, including release dates across different stages and planned deprecation timelines.

We hope these improvements enhance your experience with the bLink documentation. As always, we welcome your feedback!

Release of AIS v5

· 36 min read
Simon Meyer
Product Manager

AIS Version 5.0

We are excited to announce the release of AIS API Version 5.0, bringing important updates to enhance consistency, clarity, and interoperability across the bLink ecosystem. This new version refines key elements of the API, improves schema standardization, and introduces adjustments to ensure seamless integration for all participants.

This release is the result of extensive discussions within the SFTI community, where existing API issues were throroughly examined and improved through various changes. Explore the detailed changes in the SFTI GitHub Changelog. A big thank you to the entire community for their contributions and to SFTI for the orchestration and refinement of the API.


  • XE: 04/2025
  • XP: 05/2025
  • Prod: 08/2025

Release of PSS v5

· 25 min read
Simon Meyer
Product Manager

PSS Version 5.0

We are excited to announce the release of PSS API Version 5.0, bringing key enhancements to improve consistency, clarity, and interoperability across the bLink ecosystem. This new version refines core API elements, standardizes schemas, and introduces structural adjustments to facilitate seamless integration for all participants.

This release is the result of extensive discussions within the SFTI community, where existing API challenges were thoroughly analyzed and addressed. We encourage you to explore the detailed changes in the SFTI GitHub Changelog. A big thank you to the entire community for their contributions and to SFTI for the orchestration and refinement of the API.

A big thank you to the entire community for your valuable contributions and to SFTI for orchestrating and refining the API.

Release Timeline

  • XE: 04/2025
  • XP: 05/2025
  • Prod: 08/2025

Updated Structure and Content of Docs

· 2 min read
Fabio Tobler
Marketing Responsible & Business Development Manager
Matthias Paulus
Open Banking Consultant & Co-founder 42hacks food

Hi bLink friends!

We have updated the structure and content of the bLink Docs to enable:

  • a uniform visual style (images, diagrams etc.) according to the bLink brand and better readability of content
  • simpler user flows for both project/product managers and developers
  • more customer self-service in gathering essential information about how bLink works and in preparing for onboarding to the platform, with a focus on Service User

Release of Custody Services v3

· 2 min read
Simon Meyer
Product Manager

Custody Services Version 3.0

We are excited to announce the release of the new major version of the Custody Services API on bLink!

This release results from extensive discussions within the OpenWealth community, where existing API issues were thoroughly examined and improved through various changes. For the detailed breakdown of the changes, please visit the OpenWealth GitHub Pull Request. A big thank you to the entire community for their contributions and to the OpenWealth Association for the orchestration and refinement of the API.

Since version 2 of the API was never released on bLink, version 3 represents a complete overhaul of the API. As the code diff between the two versions would not provide meaningful insights, it has been omitted, with only the major changes summarized below.


  • XE/XP: 08/2024
  • Prod: 11/2024

Release of Platform v3

· 12 min read
Simon Meyer
Product Manager

Welcome to the release notes of the new major version of the Platform API on bLink!

This release is the result of extensive discussions within the bLink community in order to streamline the information of the bLink directory and improve the usability of the API. Here you can find all relevant information about the updates, improvements and new features introduced in this version.


  • XE: 06/2024
  • XP/Prod: 11/2024

Release of AIS v4

· 4 min read
Simon Meyer
Product Manager

AIS Version 4.0

Today, we are excited to announce the release of the new major version of the Account Information Service API on bLink!

This release is the result of extensive discussions within the SFTI community, where existing API issues were throroughly examined and improved through various changes. Explore the detailed changes in the SFTI GitHub Changelog. A big thank you to the entire community for their contributions and to SFTI for the orchestration and refinement of the API.


  • XE/XP: 05/2024
  • Prod: 11/2024

Release of PSS v4

· 4 min read
Simon Meyer
Product Manager

PSS Version 4.0

Today, we are excited to announce the release of the new major version of the Payment Submission Service API on bLink!

This release is the result of extensive discussions within the SFTI community, where existing API issues were throroughly examined and improved through various changes. Explore the detailed changes in the SFTI GitHub Changelog. A big thank you to the entire community for their contributions and to SFTI for the orchestration and refinement of the API.


  • XE/XP: 05/2024
  • Prod: 11/2024