bLink API - account-information-service module (
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This is the specification of the bLink 'account-information-service' module API. (as implemented by providers (e.g. financial institutions) and used by SIX)
Third party access to bank account service considering account information and transaction data operations (JSON).
Retrieve list of authorized accounts
Return the list of all accounts accessible for the logged in user.
query Parameters
cursor | string Example: cursor=cursorIDxyz Optional parameter for pagination. Use the ID of the last item from the previous response to retrieve the next set of results. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Default: 25 Example: limit=25 Optional parameter for pagination, specifying the number of items to return. The actual maximum limit can be defined by the provider. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "accounts": [
- {
- "account": {
- "identification": "CH5481230000001998736",
- "type": "IBAN"
}, - "accountOwner": "Account Owner XYZ",
- "accountTypeCode": "TRAN",
- "allowedCurrencies": [
- "CHF"
], - "currency": "CHF",
- "designation": "Firmenkonto",
- "id": "abc123_abcxyz.123789.abcxyz.abcxyz_abcxyz_abcxyz_abcxyz_ccccc_123abc",
- "_links": {
- "self": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
- "balance": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000/balance",
- "transactions": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000/transactions"
Retrieve information about a single specific account
Returns the accounts details of the specified account.
path Parameters
accountId required | string <= 256 characters ^[A-Za-z0-9](([A-Za-z0-9._]|-){0,254}[A-Za-z0... id of account |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "account": {
- "identification": "CH5481230000001998736",
- "type": "IBAN"
}, - "accountOwner": "Account Owner XYZ",
- "accountTypeCode": "TRAN",
- "allowedCurrencies": [
- "CHF"
], - "currency": "CHF",
- "designation": "Firmenkonto",
- "id": "abc123_abcxyz.123789.abcxyz.abcxyz_abcxyz_abcxyz_abcxyz_ccccc_123abc",
- "_links": {
- "self": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
- "balance": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000/balance",
- "transactions": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000/transactions"
Retrieve account balance information
Returns account balance information of the specified account.
- Returns the interim booked balance (ISO20022 Balance Type ITBD) for the current day, if called without a date. The balance is calculated in the course of the service provider's business day, at the time specified, and subject to further changes during the business day. The interim balance is calculated on the basis of booked credit and debit items during the calculation time/period specified.
- Returns the closing booked balance (ISO20022 Balance Type CLBD) for a specific day, if called for a past date. It is the sum of the opening booked balance at the beginning of that day and all entries booked to the account during that day. In case the specified day has not yet been finalized, the response code will be 202.
path Parameters
accountId required | string <= 256 characters ^[A-Za-z0-9](([A-Za-z0-9._]|-){0,254}[A-Za-z0... id of account |
query Parameters
date | string <date> The date to query, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd. Default value: current date |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 200
- 202
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "balance": {
- "amount": "10.25",
- "currency": "CHF"
}, - "balanceType": "CLBD",
- "date": "2018-04-13",
- "_links": {
- "self": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000/balance",
- "account": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000",
- "transactions": "/accounts/550e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000/transactions"
Retrieve transactions of a specific account
Returns the transaction list of the specified account.
- When called without a date, it returns transactions for the current day. Both "pending" and "booked" entries may be included based on the entryStatus parameter.
- When called with a date range, only "booked" transactions from completed booking days are returned. For days not yet finalized, a 202 response code is returned.
path Parameters
accountId required | string <= 256 characters ^[A-Za-z0-9](([A-Za-z0-9._]|-){0,254}[A-Za-z0... id of account |
query Parameters
date_from | string <date> (Date) Example: date_from=2018-04-13 The start date for the query. Must be earlier than or equal to the dateTo parameter. |
date_to | string <date> (Date) Example: date_to=2018-04-13 The end date for the query. Must be later than or equal to the dateFrom parameter. |
entry_status | string Default: "booked" Enum: "booked" "pending" "both" Specifies the status of the entries to be queried. Intraday movements can have a status of either "pending" or "booked." For completed booking days, only entries with a "booked" status will be returned. |
cursor | string Example: cursor=cursorIDxyz Optional parameter for pagination. Use the ID of the last item from the previous response to retrieve the next set of results. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Default: 25 Example: limit=25 Optional parameter for pagination, specifying the number of items to return. The actual maximum limit can be defined by the provider. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 200
- 202
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "transactions": [
- {
- "designation": "Firmenkonto",
- "entries": [
- {
- "accountServicerReference": "12345ABC6789",
- "additionalEntryInformation": "Online Shopping Visa Debit Card Nr. xxxx 1234",
- "amount": {
- "amount": "10.25",
- "currency": "CHF"
}, - "bankTransactionCode": {
- "domainCode": "PMNT",
- "familyCode": "RCDT",
- "subFamilyCode": "DMCT"
}, - "bookingDate": "2018-04-13",
- "entryId": "ENTRY123456789",
- "entryStatus": "booked",
- "transactionType": "CRDT",
- "valueDate": "2018-04-13",
- "entryReference": "10001628",
- "entryReferenceInternalId": "010001628",
- "instructedAmount": {
- "amount": "10.25",
- "sourceCurrency": "CHF",
- "targetCurrency": "CHF",
- "exchangeRate": "0.957",
- "exchangeIndicator": "MULT"
}, - "reversalIndicator": true,
- "totalChargesAmount": {
- "amount": "10.25",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "chargeRecords": [
- {
- "amount": "10.25",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "type": "Some type of charge",
- "chargesIncludedIndicator": true
}, - "transactions": [
- {
- "accountServicerReference": "12345ABC6789",
- "amount": {
- "amount": "10.25",
- "currency": "CHF"
}, - "transactionId": "TX12345A987",
- "transactionType": "CRDT",
- "additionalTransactionInformation": "Online Shopping Visa Debit Card Nr. xxxx 1234",
- "bankTransactionCode": {
- "domainCode": "PMNT",
- "familyCode": "RCDT",
- "subFamilyCode": "DMCT"
}, - "counterparty": {
- "account": {
- "identification": "CH9300762011623852957",
- "type": "IBAN"
}, - "agent": {
- "bic": "DEUTDE5M101",
- "clearingSystemMemberIdentification": {
- "code": null,
- "memberId": null
}, - "name": "Hans Muster",
- "postalAddress": {
- "structured": {
- "streetName": null,
- "buildingNumber": null,
- "postCode": null,
- "townName": null,
- "country": null
}, - "unstructured": {
- "addressLines": [ ],
- "country": null
}, - "endToEndId": "ENDTOENDID-01",
- "instructedAmount": {
- "amount": "10.25",
- "sourceCurrency": "CHF",
- "targetCurrency": "CHF",
- "exchangeRate": "0.957",
- "exchangeIndicator": "MULT"
}, - "instructionId": "12345ABC6789",
- "remittanceInformation": "Rechnung Nr. 408",
- "remittanceReference": {
- "type": "SCOR",
- "reference": "210000000003139471430009017"
}, - "totalChargesAmount": {
- "amount": "10.25",
- "currency": "CHF",
- "chargeRecords": [
- {
- "amount": null,
- "currency": null,
- "type": null,
- "chargesIncludedIndicator": null
}, - "uetr": "fdc01a3e-4567-4abc-8def-1234567890ab"
], - "iban": "CH5481230000001998736",
- "_links": {
- "self": "/accounts/550e8400e29b11d4a716446655440000/statements",
- "account": "/accounts/550e8400e29b11d4a716446655440000",
- "balance": "/accounts/550e8400e29b11d4a716446655440000/balance"
Retrieve a list of resource links to account statements (camt.053)
Get the resources links to available account statements (camt.053). The returned account statements must be conform to the XML schema and implementation guidelines defined by Swiss Payment Standards.
- bLink supports account statements only in XML-Schema «camt.053.001.08»
query Parameters
date_from | string <date> (Date) Example: date_from=2018-04-13 The start date for the query. Must be earlier than or equal to the dateTo parameter. |
date_to | string <date> (Date) Example: date_to=2018-04-13 The end date for the query. Must be later than or equal to the dateFrom parameter. |
cursor | string Example: cursor=cursorIDxyz Optional parameter for pagination. Use the ID of the last item from the previous response to retrieve the next set of results. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Default: 25 Example: limit=25 Optional parameter for pagination, specifying the number of items to return. The actual maximum limit can be defined by the provider. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "statements": [
- {
- "dateFrom": "2018-04-13",
- "dateTo": "2018-04-13",
- "account": {
- "identification": "CH5481230000001998736",
- "type": "IBAN"
}, - "creationDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "id": "8265333",
- "schemaVersion": "camt.053.001.08"
Retrieve the designated ISO20022 XML camt.053 document
Retrieve the designated ISO20022 XML camt.053 document.
path Parameters
reportId required | string <= 35 characters id of report |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "type": "/problems/TECHNICAL_ERROR",
- "title": "This is the general problem description",
- "detail": "Detailed problem description with respect to the current request",
- "instance": "path/to/corresponding/resource"
Retrieve a list of resource links to account reports (camt.052)
Get the resources links to available account reports (camt.052) generated since the last End-of-Day (EOD) processing. Only intraday reports created after the most recent EOD cycle are included. The returned account reports must conform to the XML schema and implementation guidelines defined by Swiss Payment Standards.
- bLink supports account statements only in XML-Schema «camt.052.001.08»
query Parameters
cursor | string Example: cursor=cursorIDxyz Optional parameter for pagination. Use the ID of the last item from the previous response to retrieve the next set of results. |
limit | integer <int32> >= 1 Default: 25 Example: limit=25 Optional parameter for pagination, specifying the number of items to return. The actual maximum limit can be defined by the provider. |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "reports": [
- {
- "type": "full",
- "dateFrom": "2018-04-13",
- "dateTo": "2018-04-13",
- "account": {
- "identification": "CH5481230000001998736",
- "type": "IBAN"
}, - "creationDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "id": "8265333",
- "schemaVersion": "camt.053.001.08"
Retrieve the designated ISO20022 XML camt.052 document
Retrieve the designated ISO20022 XML camt.052 document.
path Parameters
reportId required | string <= 35 characters id of report |
header Parameters
Authorization required | string Bearer followed by a base64 encoded OAuth access token |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-Correlation-ID required | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent required | string Name and version of the of the Client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 405
- 500
- 501
- 502
- 503
- 504
{- "type": "/problems/TECHNICAL_ERROR",
- "title": "This is the general problem description",
- "detail": "Detailed problem description with respect to the current request",
- "instance": "path/to/corresponding/resource"
Returns all specified request headers and additional diagnostic information
header Parameters
X-Correlation-ID | string <= 64 characters Unique ID (defined by the caller) which will be reflected back in the response. |
User-Agent | string Name and version of the of the client software |
X-CorAPI-Target-ID | string ID of the target, e.g., a financial institution. |
X-CorAPI-Client-ID required | string ID of the client forwarded to the provider. |
X-PSU-IP-Address | string IP address of the user initiating the operation (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
X-PSU-User-Agent | string User of the client software (SCOPE: FI - optional) |
Response samples
- 200
{- "requestDateTime": "2018-04-13T11:11:11Z",
- "receivedHeaders": [
- {
- "headerName": "X-Correlation-ID",
- "headerValue": "string"
], - "receivedPayload": "... as received ..."