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Automated Testing ("Readiness-Check")

The section "Automated Testing" can be used to regularly execute a set of tests against the Service Provider APIs.


This feature is currently in beta status and has the following limitations:

  • all configurations may have to be deleted again in some of the upcoming releases due to changes in the data structure
  • the content of the tests will be extended continuously
  • due to the nature of our own Service Provider simulator, all tests are mainly technical nature. Most of the business-relevant content has to be tested by other means.

To be able and fully leverage the capabilities of the automated testing, the following points have to be satisfied:

  • all APIs that are configured in the bLink directory in status "onboarding" or "certified" must be implemented at the provider
  • an employee of the Service Provider has to manually go through one or more consent-flows for the system to test with valid tokens (this should only be needed in the initial setup)


The following chapters explain all steps needed to fully setup the automated tests.

  1. Open the Menu (Burger-Icon in the upper left corner) and Click "Automated Testing"
  2. Click "Configure" on your Service Provider row

The Consent-Flow tests don't require a separete configuration. All manual entry steps are on the service-provider ui.

  1. Click "Run Tests" on the first row
  2. Click "Start" for all Consent-Flow tests, and complete the flow for each of them

Individual Config

With an individual config, the Service Provider can define a subset of APIs which should be tested with a specific token.

  1. Click "New Configuration" in the lower Table for a new "Individual Config"
  2. Choose the APIs which should be tested
  3. Add the correct yaml configs (example can be copied by clicking "Use Example")
  4. Add the correct Token (can be copied by clicking on one of the available tokens, and then "Use Token")
  5. Click "Save"

After that, the tests can be executed for the chosen APIs by clicking on "Run Tests" in the respective row. The result of the test execution will be summarized and bundled in a report, which can be downloaded for investigation. The file contains a HTML-Report, which can be opened in browser to check all features and its scenarios executed. The expected result is mentioned in the description of the individual scenarios.

Readiness Assessment

To actually assess the readiness of Service Provider, there have to be individual configs for all APIs which are configured in the directory for this specific Service Provider.

Each individual config can be toggled to be used in the assessment in the first column of the "Individual Configs" Table.

Once there are configs for all APIs, the "Run Tests" button will be enabled in the "Readiness Assessments" Row.

Nightly execution

If the "Run Tests" button is enabled for the "Readiness Assessments" Row, the assessment can be triggered by clicking, but it will also be executed automatically every night.

Readiness Report

Once all scenarios for a specific API are passed, the Service Provider can use the bundled report as Verification to continue with the Onboarding Procedure.