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Release Management bLink

bLink offers essential Account & Payment Services and Open Wealth APIs through collaborative partnerships with Swiss Fintech Innovation (SFTI) and the OpenWealth Association, respectively. The release management processes for these APIs are highly structured and involve close collaboration between bLink, the partnering communities, and bLink participants. While the specifics of the release process may vary slightly between the two communities, the overall approach remains consistent.

Release Management bLink

  1. Raise Changes: Community members propose changes by opening an Issue on the respective GitHub repository, outlining and justifying the desired modifications.
  2. Present & Discuss: Proposed changes are presented during regular community meet-ups or gatherings for comprehensive discussion and consideration.
  3. Adapt: Approved changes undergo implementation via pull requests within the API YAML.
  4. Finalize: Accumulated changes are integrated into the subsequent major-release version of the API. All pull requests are consolidated into the main branch, enabling transparent review of alterations and discussions on GitHub.
  5. Transition: Upon completion, the new major versions transition to bLink for preparation and approval within the bLink community.
  6. Preparation: bLink presents all changes in the dedicated governance board to its community members. Community members have the opportunity to approve or reject individual changes based on specific reasons. Subsequently, bLink creates the blink-specific API specifications and deploys them in the testing environment.
  7. Implementation: All participants can implement and test the new major versions with the assistance of bLink simulators.
  8. Verification: Upon completion of implementation, all participants verify their implementations against predefined test cases provided by bLink to ensure correct and robust integration before releasing them into production.
  9. Release: bLink releases the APIs in parallel mode on the production system. Service providers can plan their releases accordingly, but must also deploy in parallel mode to ensure that all participants can access the services independently of the new major version's release. Service Users have the option to either release the new major version in parallel mode, targeting the supported API versions listed in the bLink directory, or to wait until all providers have released the new major version.

The following graph illustrates the process of the release of a new major-version on bLink:

Release Management bLink

Differences between the APIs

While the release management processes for both SFTI and OpenWealth APIs follow a similar structure, there may be nuanced differences in implementation and community interaction, which are highlighted below.

Account & Payment Services

  • SFTI GitHub Repository
  • Contact to apply for contribution
  • Timeline Production Release: November, in alignment with ordinary release of Swiss Payment Standards
