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Order Placement

By taking advantage of the Order Placement API, external asset managers can place orders for securities at the custody bank (Service Provider) via WealthTech (Service User) and receive details on the order status. The following subsections present the operations available on the Order Placement API.

The following subsections present the operations available on the Order Placement API.

Create a new order for a specific financial instrument (POST/orders)

This request can be used to place a new securities order at the custody bank. The user must submit bulk order values for a security with additional details, as well as an allocation indication of which accounts and amounts the order should be allocated to. A successful API response will indicate if the bulk order was successfully placed for further procurement at the custody bank.

Cancel a specific order (DEL/orders/{orderId})

This request can be used to cancel a specific pending order which has not been executed yet or has been partially executed. The user must submit the unique identifier of the order to cancel a previously placed order. If the order is already partially filled, the remaining order will be canceled.

Retrieve a list of open security orders (GET/orders)

This request can be used to retrieve a list of open security orders. A successful API response will return a list of all open orders with respective details on the status of each order.

Retrieve a single open security order (GET/orders/{orderId})

Service Users can be used to retrieve a specific security order. As a result, the user will receive the details of the specific order, including bulk order details, allocation information, status, and dates to which the user has access in the API.

Health check of the Order Placement Module

This request can be used to check if a specific module of the selected Service Provider is available. An empty request will be sent over bLink to the corresponding Service Provider and return a timestamp and confirmation about receipt.