Account Information Services (AIS)
Account Information Services (AIS) enables users to consolidate, for example on a single mobile app, details on their payment accounts held with one or more Financial Instituitions (FIs). AIS provides customers with an overview of their financial situation, even if they hold accounts with different institutions and in different locations. Service Users can only provide these services on bLink if the customer has given their explicit consent.
On the bLink ecosystem, Third-Party Providers (TPP) can use multiple requests to access FI account data. These requests are described in the following subsections.
bLink can provide customers with multiple account information, such as:
Account information
- Account ID
- Currency
Account balance
- Balance type
- Curreny
- Amount
Account transactions
- Transaction type
- Payment reference
- Book entry date and value
- Currencies
- Amounts
- Bank transaction code
- Fees
- Counterparty information
- Bank transfer information
- Bank transfer references
Third-party access to FI account data
Retrieve a list of accounts (GET/accounts)
TPPs can use this request to retrieve a list of authorized accounts, which are accounts belonging to customers that have granted the consent for accessing balance and transaction information.
Retrieve details of a specific account (GET/accounts/{accountId})
This request can be used to retrieve detailed information about one specific authorized account. As a result, the TPP will receive the account identification, IBAN, designation, and currency for the specific authorized account. Note: If the customer has granted the consent to TPP to access multiple accounts, then a corresponding request has to be submitted for each account separately.
Retrieve account balance (GET/accounts/{accountId}/balance)
TPPs can use this request to get the balance (closing booked or interim booked) for a specific customer account. Note: If the customer has granted the consent to TPP to access multiple accounts, then a corresponding request has to be submitted for each account separately.
Retrieve transactions of a specific account (GET/accounts/{accountId}/transactions)
This request enables TPPs to receive details on the transactions of a specific account. The API will return information about all payment transactions booked during the specific day indicated in the request.
Retrieve a list of consents (GET/consents)
The consent endpoint allows TPPs to query the consent for a given corporate user. The FI must return the consent linked with the access token supplied with the request. The consent will contain a list of authorized accounts with their corresponding ID, IBAN and further information.
Health check (/healthcheck)
TPPs can use this request to check if a specific module of the selected Service Provider is available. An empty request will be sent over bLink to the corresponding Service Provider and return a timestamp and confirmation about receipt.
"SPSSTMT": Transport XML account statements
Retrieve a list of resource links to account statements (GET/iso20022/statements)
In order to support the Swiss Payment Standard ISO-20022 files implemented by financial institutions, a separate channel will be offered for receiving camt.053.
FIs supporting this use case will offer a location where these files can be downloaded as configured in the clients master data.
FIs providing this location will only offer end-of-day statements.
Retrieve designated ISO-20022 XML CAMT (GET/iso20022/statements/{reportId})
With this request, Service Users can retrieve the designated ISO-20022 XML CAMT document.