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Registration & Connectivity

This section outlines the information required for participants to register with bLink and the details needed to connect to the various system environments.

Participants must provide both general and technical information (e.g., authentication, base urls, IP addresses) to register on bLink.

General Information

Company informationDetails
Client ID / Provider ID Test EnvironmentUnique participant ID for the test environment, assigned by SIX
Client ID / Provider ID Prod EnvironmentUnique participant ID for the production environment, assigned by SIX
Company NameCompany name of the Participant
Company Name AbbreviationAbbreviation of company name for mobile applications
Company URLWebsite URL of the Participant
Product NameName of the Product
Product Info URLWebsite URL of the Product
Business ContactEmail address and optional phone number for business inquiries
Technical ContactEmail address and optional phone number for technical inquiries
Support ContactEmail address and optional phone number for support inquiries
LogoSVG image of the company or product logo
IconSVG image of the company or product icon
Use CasesList of use cases used or supported by the participant
Consent FlowsType of consent flows used or supported by the participant
Consent FlowsType of consent flows used or supported by the participant

Requirements Logo and Icon

  • Format: SVG
  • Position: Centered
  • Max. Size: 100 KB
  • Does not contain any script, animate, foreignObject, set or href elements/attributes

Icon specific requirements:

  • Shape: Square
  • Spacing: Include an additional radius or frame equivalent to 50% of the icon's size for adaptability to various shapes.
  • Background: White background; the surrounding space should either be white or transparent.

Example Icon:

Example icon

Technical Information

The following technical information is required to configure the participant in their respective role on test and production environment.

RoleTypeTechnical InformationDetails
Service UserConnectivityClient CertificateFull-Chain Client Certificate in PEM or CRT format, for authentication with bLink (as per TLS Certificates requirements)
ConsentClientCallback Uri(s)Redirect URI(s) for callbacks from Service Provider to Service User landing page
Service ProviderConnectivityNetworkNetwork used for connectivity from SIX to Service Provider (Internet, P2P/Leased Line, SSFN
Client CertificateFull-Chain Client Certificate in PEM or CRT format,for authentication with bLink (as per TLS Certificates requirements)
Server CertificateFull-Chain Server Certificate in PEM or CRT format, for mTLS connection from SIX to SP
Target IP-Adress(es) SPTarget IP-Adress(es) for DNS entry (Only Applicable for P2P/SSFN)
Target Hostname SPTarget Hostname with SP
ConsentAuthorization UrlAuthorization Server Url/E-Banking login page to initiate consent flow (e.g.
Token UrlToken Endpoint Url for token request (e.g.
UsernameValidation Url (optional)Optional URL for validating username parameter (e.g.,
Token Revocation UrlURL to revoke tokens once consent is deleted (e.g.,
Use CasesAPI base path(s)API base paths of supported use case versions (e.g.,

Service Users using Consent-as-a-Service (CaaS) will have the CaaS-specific clientRedirectUri configured, which appears in the bLink Directory and is used for token management. The provided CallbackUri by the Service User is used for callbacks after the consent flow is completed and is not visible in the bLink Directory.

CaaS clientRedirectUri Prod:

Connectivity information

Once registered with bLink, participants need to establish connectivity to interact with the platform. The following diagram illustrates the overall flow between the involved parties.

bLink Connectivity

Service Users connect to bLink through the SIX API Gateway. The table below outlines the base paths for the available API modules on the test environments. Service Users are authenticated using a client certificate.

Test Environment - SIX
ServiceBase URL for Consent 2.0Base URL for Consent 2.0 with CaaS
Consent - V2


Platform - V3



Account Information Service - V4



Payments Submission Service - V4



Custody Services - V3



Customer Management - V1



Order Placement - V2



The table below outlines the base paths for the available API modules on the production environment.

Production Environment
ServiceBase URL for Consent 2.0Base URL for Consent 2.0 with CaaS
Consent - V2


Platform - V3/api/bankingservices/b-link-consent-2/platform/v3/api/bankingservices/b-link/platform/v3
Account Information Service - V4



Payments Submission Service - V4



Custody Services - V3


Customer Management - V1



Order Placement - V2



Service Provider must establish the following connections to the bLink environment:

  • bLink Inbound Connection: Retrieve directory information of participants via the "Platform" API module, according to the paths listed above for Service User.
  • bLink Outbound Connection: Established from SIX/bLink to the provider. The connection can be via Internet, P2P/leased Line or SSFN.
InternetP2P / Leased LineSSFN
SIX's Source IP addresses153.46.244.84153.46.225.34153.46.41.185
Host Name
Host Name

The connection is established via mutual TLS by exchanging and trusting client and server certificate and whitelisting the IP addresses of the counterparty.

SIX connects with the following client certificate to the SP for test and production environment.

Certificate IssuerO = SwissSign AG, CN = SwissSign Gold CA - G2
Certificate DN

CN = SwissSign RSA TLS OV ICA 2022 - 1, O = SwissSign AG, C = CH

CertificateSupplied in PEM or CRT format

The certificate chain can be requested by the representatives of the participant.

Connecting via SSFN

To establish a connection to and from bLink via SSFN, the SSFN onboarding process must be completed first. Detailed information regarding the SSFN infrastructure and the onboarding procedure is available on Secure Swiss Finance Network (SSFN). To initiate the onboarding and set up the connectivity, please contact the SSFN team directly as per the instructions provided.

Note that the bLink team does not participate in the setup of the SSFN connection. Once the infrastructure-level connectivity is established, please reach out to the bLink team to verify the connectivity from the platform.