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Your Path to bLink

The following overview provides guidance on how to connect to bLink and utilize self-service resources and tools to ensure a smooth and efficient onboarding experience.

  1. Evaluate bLink for your needs and how you can best use it

    Discover bLink with the following quick links:

    For Product ManagementFor Development
    • Why bLink? If you haven't yet assessed the value bLink provides for you, check out or dedicated landing pages for banks and fintechs on our official website.
    • Operational Best Practices: The use of a scalable API platform impacts the usability of your connectivity product as well as your internal processes. To guarantee a smooth and successful operation after go live, we summarized a few operational best practices together with our bLink customers.
    • Admission Criteria: What admission criteria apply to you in order to be admitted to the bLink platform depend on multiple factors. Read more into this chapter to understand the framework of the adission criteria.
    • Contracts: Find out about the benefits of the uniform platform contract for bLink, including related topics such as pricing, SLAs or data security.
    • Development Aids: Structuring your connectivity project helps a seamless and quick integration into bLink – see on the right hand side the list of aids for your development team.
    • Architecture Guide: Check out our easy-to-follow implementation guide to an ideal set up for Service Users, using bLink effectively.
    • Postman Collection: The postman collection is an easy way to grasp the fundamentals of a bLink integration.
    • API References: bLink offers a variety of services and APIs. Our comprehensive API libraries – including sample callbacks – and all necessary information for a successful integration can be found in our API reference section.
    • Test Environment: A test environment and a simulator are available for testing calls with test data. The same environment is used to verify your implementation.
    • User Experience Guide: To ensure cross-application compatibility, bLink offers standardized flows and wordings for end user communication.
    • Developer Blog: To find out what we are working on, all updates on the platform can be seen here.
  2. Get access to our support portal and test environment

    Once you get the bigger picture of bLink and how it suits your needs, the onboarding onto the platform can start. To participate in the trusted community, bLink performs a standardized admission test that consists of a business validation and a technical validation. To get ready, first, register for our bLink support portal. Simply tell us that you're interested and who needs access, and we will swiftly set up your account(s). After that, the support portal will be your main communication channel with the bLink team. Don't worry – we don't need your final commitment to register yet.

    Within the support portal you can then also request access to our testing infrastructure. Find out here how that works.

  3. Ready to sign the bLink platform contract

    After registering for our support portal, getting comfortable with our test environment, and making the decision to join bLink, you'll now be ready to sign our platform contract. You'll receive the contract for internal review and to identify your signatories (please note that each signatory has to have the confirmed signing authority in the commercial register).

    You can of course already read into the platform contract details in advance in the chapter Contracts.

  4. Apply for admission and integrate API(s)

    With the platform contract signed, the official admission process to the bLink platform begins. To become a trusted member of the bLink community, bLink assesses and validates both your technical and business practices. To be able to go live on bLink, the following milestones need to be fullfilled:

    Business validation: In the bLink support portal, ask for access to our admission tool, which will guide you through the business validation part of the admission to bLink and where you will submit the evidences to proof that you meet the admission requirements for the platform. For more details please visit the chapter Admission Criteria.

    Technical validation: The goal here is to build a successful integration to the bLink test environment. Your API integration is then tested against our simulator to ensure and validate a proper, scalable technical set-up from your side. For more details, please visit the chapter Technical Onboarding.

  5. Go live on bLink

    After passing the admission test and completing the technical integration with bLink, the onboarding process is finalized. You will now be officially admitted to the open banking platform from SIX. Welcome to bLink!