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To eliminate the burden of complex contract negotiations between bLink participants and their counterparties, a comprehensive set of agreements addresses all legal matters related to a standardized and secure data exchange on the platform.

They can be divided into a general Participation Agreement for the bLink platform and complementing Annexes that provide additional details.

bLink Platform Contracts
  • Participation agreement bLink platform (en / de / fr)
  • Annex 1 – Admission criteria (en /de /fr)
  • Annex 2 – Account & Payment Service (en /de /fr)
  • Annex 2 – OpenWealth (en /de /fr)
  • Annex 3 – Service Level Agreement (en /de /fr)
  • Annex 4 – Price List (en /de /fr)
  • Annex 5 – Data Security (en /de /fr)
  • Regulation on incident classification (en /de /fr)

This uniform set of contracts forms the basis for the participation on bLink and for the connection to all its participants.

SIX strives to keep the effort for fintechs with regards to consent management and connecting to bLink as low as possible. For this reason, SIX is offering "Consent-as-a-Service (CaaS)".

What does CaaS involve?

As part of the consent management to enable customer-initiated data sharing via bLink, a Service Provider issues a Provider Token to a Service User. The token authenticates the customer and contains their proof of consent for data sharing.

Under the terms of the bLink participation agreement, the Service User is obligated to store the Provider Token securely and to send it to the Service Provider for verification with each service call (API call). With CaaS, however, the Service User can commission SIX to store the Provider Token in a token store operated by SIX and transfer it to the Service Provider on their behalf.

In this way, SIX also fulfills part of the security-related criteria for the admission to the bLink platform on behalf of the Service User. The use of CaaS therefore not only reduces the logistical effort for the Service User but also simplifies onboarding to the platform.

As CaaS is a service offered by SIX independently from bLink, it is regulated in a separate service contract including a separate pricing. Please find following an overview of all contractual documents concerning CaaS:

CaaS Contracts
  • CaaS Service Agreement (en / de / fr)
  • Annex 1 – Admission Criteria (en / de / fr)
  • Annex 2 – Price List (en / de / fr)
  • Annex 3 – Service Level Agreement (en / de / fr)
  • Regulation on Incident Classification (en / de / fr)

To find out more about what consent management means and how CaaS works in this context, visit the chapter Consent Flow & Management.