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Release of Custody Services v3

· 2 min read
Simon Meyer
Product Manager

Custody Services Version 3.0

We are excited to announce the release of the new major version of the Custody Services API on bLink!

This release results from extensive discussions within the OpenWealth community, where existing API issues were thoroughly examined and improved through various changes. For the detailed breakdown of the changes, please visit the OpenWealth GitHub Pull Request. A big thank you to the entire community for their contributions and to the OpenWealth Association for the orchestration and refinement of the API.

Since version 2 of the API was never released on bLink, version 3 represents a complete overhaul of the API. As the code diff between the two versions would not provide meaningful insights, it has been omitted, with only the major changes summarized below.


  • XE/XP: 08/2024
  • Prod: 11/2024


  • New Endpoints added to retrieve specific positionId by customerId or accountId
  • Response-Codes 502 and 504 have been added


  • The customerAccounts endpoints have been split into separate accounts and customers endpoints:
    • Dedicated endpoints are now available to retrieve either a list or specific customers and accounts data
  • Parameters have been redesigned and aligned for consistency
  • The API schemas and definitions have been thoroughly restructured to enhance functionality for additional use cases, while also improving overall structure and clarity


  • Existing Endpoints for retrieving transactions by accountId or positionId have been removed

Due to a pending issue with typings including the oneOf, the API specification for Custody Services v3 is unavailable in the bLink Docs - API Reference. For more details, please refer to the open GitHub issue #300 and #696.

To preview the updated version, please download the specification and visualize it using a tool like Swagger.