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Error Codes

The following tables present all the details of the possible bLink error codes you can receive when interacting with bLink APIs.

General Error Codes

Error CodeDefinitionTypeTitleDetail
400Bad Request/problems/INVALID_PAYLOADThe payload was not validID is missing.
/problems/MALFORMED_PAYLOADPayload does not comply with API specificationMalformed JSON.
/problems/MALFORMED_PAYLOADInvalid parameter values have been detectedData for date in the future cannot be requested.
/problems/RESOURCE_TOO_LARGEGenerated resource was too largeThe generated resource exceeded the size limit
/problems/INVALID_PAYLOADJSON not Validscope: must not be null
/problems/INVALID_PAYLOADJSON not Validusername: must not be null
401Unauthorized/problems/INVALID_TOKENThe OAuth Token is invalidSomething is wrong with this token.
/problems/EXPIRED_TOKENThe OAuth Token is expiredThe token is no longer valid.
403Forbidden/problems/INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGESNo privileges for the requested operationInsufficient privileges for the requested operation.
404Not Found/problems/TECHNICAL_ERRORURL not foundThe requested endpoint does not exist
/problems/NOT_IMPLEMENTEDFeature is not implementedThis interface does not support intraday data
/problems/INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGESInsufficient privileges to access resourceThe provided token does not grant access to the requested resources
405Not Allowed/problems/WRONG_METHODThis HTTP Operation is not allowed on this endpointOnly GET operations are allowed.
429Too Many Requests/problems/TECHNICAL_ERRORRate Limit ExceededThe allowed rate limit has been exceeded. Please try again later.
500Technical Errors/problems/TECHNICAL_ERRORTechnical error on server sideProcessing yielded a technical error.
/problems/RESOURCE_TOO_LARGEGenerated resource was to largeThe generated resource exceeded the size limit.
501Not Implemented/problems/NOT_IMPLEMENTEDNot ImplementedThis feature/endpoint is not implemented.
502Bad Gateway/problems/TECHNICAL_ERRORInvalid response formatThe response received from the provider was not in the expected format.
503Service Unavailable/problems/TECHNICAL_ERRORThis is the general problem description

Detailed problem description with respect to the current request, e.g., invalid account number format.

Error CodeDefinitionTypeTitleDetail
401Unauthorized/problems/INVALID_TOKENThe OAuth Token is invalidSomething is wrong with this token.
/problems/EXPIRED_TOKENThe OAuth Token is expiredThe token is no longer valid.
Error CodeDefinitionTypeTitleDetail
403Unauthorized/problems/EXPIRED_TOKENPermission expiredSpecified permission has expired permanently
/problems/INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGESAccess deniedAccess not allowed for specified permission

OAuth2 Error Codes

To complement the bLink error codes, OAuth2 error codes should be utilized in cases where the OAuth2 standard applies.

Relevant parts of the OAuth2 specification regarding the error codes to use can be found here: