Transactions Object
This object represents a transaction in the AIS Module.
The International Bank Account Number (IBAN), associated with the account. The IBAN number consists of a two-letter country code, followed by two check digits, and up to thirty-five alphanumeric characters (max. length: 34).
Example: CH9300762011623852957
The account designation/description (max. length: 140).
Example: Firmenkonto
entriesarray of object
Specifies the entries transactions.
The entry Unique Identifier defined by the bank.
Example: ENTRY123456
The transaction type that indicates if it is credit or debit entry (CREDIT, DEBIT) (max. length: 4).
Possible values: CRDT or DBIT.
Mandatory for business cases ISR and QR-IBAN. The attribute indicates the ISR participant number or QR-IBAN of the account owner (max. length: 35).
Example: 010001628
Additional grouping criteria for business cases ISR and QR-IBAN. Indicates the BISR-ID or first 6 characters of the QR reference (max. length: 35).
Example: 123456
Indicates if the transaction is a reversing entry. Must always be true.
Possible value: true.
The booking date of the transaction set by the bank. Format: YYYY-MM-DD ( ISO 8601, max. length: 10).
Example: 2018-01-02
The value date of the transaction set by the bank. Format: YYYY-MM-DD ( ISO 8601, max. length: 10).
Example: 2018-01-02
Specifies the entry amount according to the account currency.
The entry amount, which will be reflected in the account balance (max. length: 18).
Example: 5000.50
The currency in which the entry was posed based on the three-letter code (ISO 4217, max. lenght: 3).
Example: CHF
Specifies the instructed amount according to the account currency.
The amount instructed by the customer to the bank to carry out the transaction (max. length: 18).
Example: 5000.50
The currency three-letter code which you use to fund a currency conversion ( ISO 4217, max. length: 3).
Example: EUR
The currency three-letter code which you or your recipient will receive after you convert currency ( ISO 4217, max. length: 3).
Example: CHF
The rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another currency (max. length: 12).
Example: 1.13665
Indicates whether the amount has to be multiplied or divided by the exchange rate (MULT, DIV). Mandatory if the exchange rate is provided (max. length: 4).
Possible values: MULT
or DIV
Specifies the total amount of account charges.
The total amount of account charges (max. length: 18).
Example: 1000.00
The currency in which the total amount of charges was posed based on the three-letter code ( ISO 4217, max. length: 3).
Example: CHF
Specifies the details about individual charges.
The amount of individual charges (max. length: 18).
Example: 1000.00
The currency in which the amount of individual charges was posed based on the three-letter code ( ISO 4217, max. length: 3).
Example: CHF
Indicates whether the charges are included in the entry amount or not.
Possible value: true
or false
The type of charge (max. length: 35).
Specifies a set of elements to fully identify the type of underlying
transaction resulting in an entry.
The code of the business area of the underlying transaction according to the "Bank Transaction Code" (ISO 20022, max. length: 4).
Possible enum values: check the ...
The family code within a specific domain according to the "Bank Transaction Code" (ISO 20022, max. length: 4).
Possible enum values: check the ...
Specifies the sub-family code within a specific domain according to the "Bank Transaction Code" (ISO 20022, max. length: 4).
Possible enum values: check the ...
Additional entry information.
transactionsarray of object
Specifies the entry amount according to the account currency.
The unique identifier to the listed transaction. Defined by the bank (max. length: 35).
Example: trx123456789
The transaction type that indicates if it is credit or debit entry (CREDIT, DEBIT) (max. length: 4).
Possible enum values: CRDT
The unique reference of the debtor/creditor (max. length: 35).
Example: ENDTOENDID-001
Specifies the entry amount according to the account currency.
The code of the business area of the underlying transaction according to the "Bank Transaction Code" (ISO 20022, max. length: 4).
Possible enum values: check the ...
Specifies the family code within a specific domain according to the "Bank Transaction Code" (ISO 20022, max. length: 4).
Possible enum values: check the ...
Specifies the sub-family code within a specific domain according to the "Bank Transaction Code" (ISO 20022, max. length: 4).
Possible enum values: check the ...
Specifies the transaction amount according to the account currency.
The transaction amount, which will be reflected in the account balance (max. length: 18).
Example: 7388.50
The currency in which the transaction was posed based on the three-letter code ( ISO 4217, max. lenght: 3).
Example: CHF
Specifies the transaction amount according to the account currency.
The amount instructed by the customer to the bank to carry out the transaction (max. length: 18).
Example: 5000.50
The currency three-letter code which you use to fund a currency conversion ( ISO 4217, max. length: 3).
Example: EUR
The currency three-letter code which you or your recipient will receive after you convert currency ( ISO 4217, max. length: 3).
Example: CHF
The rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another currency (max. length: 11).
Example: 1.13665
Indicates whether the amount has to be multiplied or divided by the exchange rate (MULT, DIV). Mandatory if the exchange rate is provided (max. length: 4).
Possible enum values: MULT
or DIV
Specifies the total amount of account charges.
The total amount of account charges (max. length: 18).
Example: 1000.00
The currency in which the total amount of charges was posed based on the three-letter code ( ISO 4217, max. length: 3).
Example: CHF
Specifies the details about individual charges.
The amount of individual charges (max. length: 18).
Example: 1000.00
The currency in which the amount of individual charges was posed based on the three-letter code ( ISO 4217, max. length: 3).
Example: CHF
Indicates whether the charges are included in the entry amount or not.
Possible value: true
or false
The type of charge (max. length: 35).
Specifies the counterparty details (creditor or debtor).
Name of the counterparty (debtor name if transaction type = CRDT, creditor name if transaction type = DBIT) (max. length: 140).
Example: Peter Haller
Specifies the counterparty address (debtor address if transaction
type = CRDT, creditor address if transaction type = DBIT).
Specifies the details of the counterparty structured address.
The counterparty street name (max. length: 70).
Example: Rosenauweg
The counterparty building number (max. length: 16).
Example: 4
The counterparty post code (max. length: 16).
Example: 80036
The counterparty town name (max. length: 35).
Example: Muenchen
The counterparty country (max. length: 2).
Possible enum values: Check the Country code list.
Specifies the details of the counterparty unstructured address.
The counterparty address lines. Only four address lines allowed (max. length: 4x70).
Example: Rosenauweg 4, 80036 Muenchen
The counterparty country (max. length: 2).
Possible enum values: Check the Country code list.
Specifies the counterparty account (debtor account if transaction
type = CRDT, creditor account if transaction type = DBIT).
The counterparty identification account type (IBAN, OTHER) (max. length: 5).
Possible enum values: IBAN
The account identification: IBAN, ISR participant number, bank account number (max. length: 35).
Example: DE12500105170648489890
BIC of the debtor's financial institution (agent of the counterparty). If used, then "Clearing System Member Identification” must not be used (max. length: 11).
Example: UBSWCHZH80A
clearingSystemMemberIdentification object
Specifies the Information used to identify a member within a
clearing system.
Identification code of a clearing system. Only "CHBCC" is permitted in Switzerland (max. length: 5).
Example: CHBCC
The identification of a clearing system member. Clearing ID (Bank Code, "National Identifier") of the financial institution. (max. length: 35).
Example: 99999
An unstructured message (max. length: 140). Either remittanceReference or remittanceInformation must be set.
An unstructured message (max. length: 140). Example: Invoice 2317 due April 1st 2018
Specifies the structured reference.
Allowed reference type (QRR, SCOR, ISR) (max. length: 5).
Possible enum values: QRR
or ISR
QR-Reference, Creditor Reference according to ISO 11649 or ISR reference (max. length: 35).
Example: 210000000003139471430009017
Additional transaction information (max. length: 140).